We will put in some links here to quizzes, video clips or games.

Here's a new quiz! It's all about wedding anniversaries. Please tell us how you did.

Take it here

For a full list of anniversary gifts, you can click on this link, but to look at it before you take the test is CHEATING!!!

Next up is a wedding quiz. Click on the picture below to see how much you know about weddings!

And here for the Star Wars fans is Darth Vader talking some jive.

Here's the link to it

*Disclaimer: If you don't find them funny or enjoy them, that is your problem, not ours!
Blogger Tim Lovell said...
Ok, to my shame I got a whopping 1 out of 8!

Beat that if you can.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I got 50%, 4 out of 8! I was rather disappointed with myself.
Rachel R

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Looks like Claire and I should be the ones getting married with an amazing 63%. Shame on you Timothy.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sucks, I only got 2 out of 8, therefore 25% But how hard did they make the questions....?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
0 *cough* i mean 10... i got 10
*sighs* u were right the first time, a big fat 0

Blogger Tim Lovell said...
Well, Vikki took the new test and got 7 out of 10. Not bad, considering she was guessing the whole way through!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
A solid 6.


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